Working Models

Working Models

The Sphinx Working Model has been shaped to deliver strategic result and drive business improvement. The model contains elements that enable the organization to identify, understand and implement the best of business processes, resources and practices, so as to meet desired goals. The working model translates the efforts of the organization into an ability to meet customer expectations and maintain pace with ever-changing performance parameters.

This Working Model is also a tool of self-assessment for the company and plays an important role in strengthening the competitiveness.

Elements of the Sphinx Working Model:

  1. Virtual Design Office: Establish a team in Noida (NCR – India) to undertake client’s work exclusively.

  2. On Demand Resource for Onsite Support: Maintain group of people adequately skilled in client-specific work to undertake work as needed.

  3. Try to Maximize the Offshore Content: Provide the greatest economic benefit.

  4. Embed Project Leaders into Client Environment: To be done on a regular basis to ensure harmonization with people and processes. Moderate extra cost of this is recovered by client in greatly improved coordination with off-shore teams.

  5. Engineering Support in Complete Design Cycle: complete support from styling to CAD to engineering to CAM to prototype development


The Working Model is devised to improve business practices, capabilities and results. It not only improves the communication but also facilitates sharing of best practices amongst the Client Company and Sphinx Team. This model has been an effective working guideline that further enhances the client servicing opportunities, value to customers and contribution to marketplace success. The concept of Sphinx Working Model is embodied in leadership, strategic planning, efficient work execution and customer satisfaction.

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