

How You Can Benefit From Engineering Staffing Services?

02 Jun 2020 | Anju S

Hiring a short-term employee or a full-time dedicated engineer isn’t just as big an investment of time and effort as much as it is a big responsibility. Therefore, many companies prefer hiring an agency that provides quality engineering staffing services to avoid the complexities of skimming through hundreds of engineers’ applications for the vacancy of […]

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Why DMP 3D Printing is an Ideal Choice for Engineers?

27 May 2020 | Anju S

Direct Metal Printing (DMP) uses additive manufacturing to produce metal parts with challenging sizes and geometries which are impossible through traditional subtractive or casting technologies. The technology possesses such parts that can be created in a variety of metals that are totally dense and usable. DMP is heavily used in aerospace and defense applications as […]

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A Quick Overview of Rapid Prototyping

25 May 2020 | Anju S

Rapid Prototyping (RP) is an additive manufacturing process, a group of methods to fasten the production of large-size prototypes and models layer by layer. Unlike injection molding and CNC, RP relies on CAD designs and is quite a money saver. The video quickly covers Rapid Prototyping as a process and its high-end constituent 3D Printing. […]

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Core Advantages of CAE Services

21 May 2020 | Anju S

Computer-aided engineering (CAE) equips the usage of computer software to simulate performance to enhance the product designs process. The technology assists in the resolution of engineering flaws for a wide range of industries containing simulation, validation, and optimization of products, equipment, processes, and manufacturing tools. The Infographic mentions the core benefits of using CAE engineering […]

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5 Reasons to Hire for Reverse Engineering in Business

18 May 2020 | Anju S

  Reverse engineering services include the process of disassembling components or a product to conduct a thorough study to find out how and why it works. In simpler words, this engineering process allows engineers to deconstruct or unbuild a product or tool to further redesign for countless benefits, including the full design documentation. It is often […]

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What is Manpower Staffing Service?

15 May 2020 | Anju S

  Manpower staffing service is a method by which you hire experts from an agency to boost your team by extension of the number of experts to help your organisation develop the product for the project. The infographic presentation explains all the objectives of why you should opt for manpower staffing services, especially when you […]

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Potential of CAE Engineering Services in Product Development

12 May 2020 | Anju S

CAE engineering services include the primary use of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software, which are usually known as CAE tools to aid in engineering analysis processes. It induces Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Multibody Dynamics (MBD), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and durability & optimization. Its potential is furthermore incorporated with Computer-aided Design (CAD) and Computer-aided Manufacturing (CAM) […]

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5 Ways AI Has Helped in Product Designing Services

05 May 2020 | Anju S

AI, the futuristic technology has promising potentials for almost every industry especially manufacturing. In the past few years, many companies have adopted AI regardless of size and niche and experts say that the companies that restrict adopting new technologies will become incompetent in no time. According to the Annual Manufacturing Report 2018, 92% of manufacturers […]

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Sphinx-TimeTooth Collaboration for Open Source Low-cost Emergency Ventilator Design

29 Apr 2020 | Anju S

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to overwhelmingly threaten the medical infrastructure at the global level spiking the mortality rate due to the shortage of critical equipment, especially ventilators. Therefore, Sphinx Worldbiz Limited have collaborated with TimeTooth Technologies to help the latter develop a low-cost ventilator design to be made available on open source for manufacturers across […]

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COVID-19 FAQs Answered and How You Can Help

28 Apr 2020 | Anju S

Q1- What Can COVID-19 Do to Your Lungs? COVID-19 typically shows symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection, along with cough and sore throat. The virus further moves down the throat and infiltrate the lower respiratory tract. After reaching there, it wreaks havoc to the lung’s tiny air sacs, known as alveoli. It’s that part […]

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